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Rail systems are a fast, often preferable transit option for many people, but building them is time consuming and costly. Bus rapid transit (BRT) offers the experience of rail in the form of four wheels.BRT is a more economical approach for cities to improve the speed and reliability of their bus service. It has also proven to spur development.The city of […]
Read MorePost image: Hundreds of people enjoyed the spring weather over the weekend for the Village of Brookfield’s inaugural Bike Brookfield event. The event — which included a kids ride, a 5K/10K community ride and an after party with live music and raffle prizes from area businesses — drew people from all parts of the community and all ages, along with […]
Read MorePost image: The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) announced the launch dates and service details for the Lincoln Avenue (#11) and 31st Street (#31) bus pilot programs. While many residents were glad to see service for these routes reinstated, some neighborhood advocates are worried the service is too limited to make an impact. The agency has been developing both of the six-month […]
Read MoreIn Chicago and its suburbs, about 15 people are killed and 3,000 injured every year while riding a bike. Last night I joined more than 100 cyclists in Chicago, and thousands more around the world, for the annual Ride of Silence. The ride honors the victims of cycling fatalities as well as their families. In Chicago Ride of Silence volunteers […]
Read MorePost image: Active Trans and Greenline Wheels just wrapped up a new two-week on-bike education program for students at Oak Park/River Forest High School. The program was partly the result of input from concerned residents and teachers in the OPRF community. The program’s goals are to: Teach kids about bike safety. Ensure that they know about biking traffic laws and […]
Read MorePost image: For decades, South Chicagoland residents and transit experts have recognized the potential benefits of enhancing service along the Metra Electric District (MED) line. Now, after many years, there’s a renewed effort encouraging Metra to commit to improvements. Active Trans has joined more than a dozen community groups from the South Side and South Suburbs as part of the […]
Read MorePost image: Last month, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that new funding will be used to support Bikes 'N’ Roses, a bike shop that focuses on educating teenagers on how to fix and build bikes. Emanuel’s plan will bring 65 jobs to teenagers at the original Albany Park storefront (4747 N. Sawyer Ave.) and the formerly shuttered Belmont-Cragin location (2010 N. Lawler Ave.). […]
Read MorePost image: More good news for people who have been clamoring for taking their bikes on additional Amtrak train routes. As of this week, you can bring your bike aboard Amtrak trains bound for Grand Rapids, Michigan. The announcement comes on the heels of last week’s unveiling of the same service on Amtrak’s Hiawatha route, which operates between Chicago and Milwaukee. […]
Read MorePost image: A six-block stretch of Cottage Grove Ave. from 77th to 83rd St. in Chatham will be upgraded this year to make this high-crash stretch of roadway safer for people walking while attracting more customers to local businesses. Construction will begin this spring and continue for about one year. The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) worked closely with 6th Ward Alderman Roderick Sawyer and […]
Read MorePost image: Active Trans compiles a list of events happening each month along the Lakefront Trail. See what's going on in the month of May so you can better plan your walking, biking or running route. For more information on conditions on the Lakefront Trail, check out our Twitter. Saturday, May 14 Autism Speaks Walk 10:30 a.m. Soldier Field – Route […]
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