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Post image: Our regional commuter rail network is getting a major expansion in Northwest Indiana thanks to the West Lake Corridor Project, also known as the South Shore Line extension. Led by the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD), the project is expected to be transformative for the region’s transportation accessibility and economic development. The proposed route runs along the Illinois/Indiana […]
Read MoreLearn about the people who serve on the board of the Active Transportation Alliance. Dionne Baux Active Trans Member since: 2017Active Trans Board Member: since 2017 Dionne is the director of urban programs with the National Main Street Center, where she leads an initiative to broaden the center’s offerings and engagement in urban neighborhood commercial districts. Dionne has more […]
Read MorePost image: Despite all the progress of recent years, the belief that streets are only for cars is still far too common among people in Illinois and across the country. Unfortunately, this includes people with the power to shape, enforce and judge state law. As of January 1, 2017, people biking in Illinois are given the same rights to the […]
Read MoreMegan Williams, who was seriously injured in a Lakefront Trail crash, called it the best Christmas present she could hope for when Mayor Emanuel and the Chicago Park District announced hedge fund manager Ken Griffin donated $12 million to the city to create separated paths for people biking and people on foot along the full length of Chicago’s Lakefront Trail. […]
Read MoreIt’s been proven in Chicago and cities across the country that the fastest way to make streets safer is to redesign them and prioritize the movement of people – not cars. When the city established a Complete Streets policy in 2006, it committed to accommodating the safety and convenience of all road users in transportation and development projects. Then in 2013 the […]
Read MorePost image: If you're someone who's tuned into the goings on of local TV news, you might've heard that Anthony Ponce recently left his TV news reporting job for NBC Channel 5, and instead launched his own interview-type podcast. Ponce, a regular cyclist, is a member of a family known in local broadcast news. Anthony's brother Dan is a news anchor […]
Read MorePost image: Gaps in the Skokie Valley Trail have long been a frustration of people who bike and walk in the North Suburbs. The multi-use path is envisioned to eventually run from Wisconsin to Chicago, but lack of funding has left the trail segmented. Fans of the trail will rejoice to learn that conversations around bridging the gap and extending […]
Read MorePost image: The coming new year provides a moment to pause and reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. With that in mind, here's our list of the top ten active transportation stories from 2016. As you browse through these, be sure to savor the successes — especially if you’re one of the many people who helped make them […]
Read MorePost image: Chicago city planners have unveiled draft concepts for extending the 606 to the east and building a seven-mile continuous river trail loop along the North Branch of the Chicago River. If implemented, these concepts would go a long way towards filling one of the largest remaining gaps in a continuous Chicago River Trail, as envisioned in Active Trans’ […]
Read MoreMore cities across the United States are using bus rapid transit to help solve some of the challenges of conventional bus service. Bus rapid transit, or BRT, is an innovative approach that combines off-board payment, dedicated bus lanes, signal clearance priority and improvements to station infrastructure to make riding the bus a more fast, comfortable and reliable option. In […]
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