
Keep up with the latest news on Active Trans and topics that we care about in the region.

Help improve walking, biking, and rolling in Illinois

Aug 7, 2023 | by Maggie Melin Czerwinski

This year the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has launched a new initiative to create a roadmap for a safe, connected pedestrian and bicycle network across the state.

The Walk Roll Illinois Active Transportation Plan initiative is an update to the state’s 2014 Bike Plan, which will now include all active transportation modes. IDOT seeks to understand existing conditions, identify needs, and set community priorities to make Illinois more walkable, bikeable,


CTA takes a step toward greater transparency  

Aug 7, 2023 | by David Powe

We commend CTA’s recent initiatives to improve service and elevate transparency with the launch of an even more robust interactive performance dashboard, as part of its “Meeting the Moment” plan.  

This forward-thinking initiative responds to the calls from riders and advocates for more transparency and reliable service.  

As a part of its Meeting the Moment plan, CTA’s performance metrics report has evolved into an info-packed interactive visual dashboard that is updated monthly.  

A quick rundown of sustainable transportation projects in Chicago

Jul 28, 2023 | by Olivia Borowiak

Active Transportation Alliance recently invited local advocates to gather for the latest news and updates about projects impacting sustainable transportation in the region.

Kicking off the discussion was an update on Mayor Brandon Johnson’s transition transportation subcommittee.

Active Transportation Alliance, which served on the subcommittee, was pleased that priorities like restricting right turns on red lights and limiting commercial traffic on residential streets were among the recommendations.

The committee also recommended closely considering the impacts of development and making sure to invest in transportation systems in underserved areas.

Chicago’s landmark ETOD ordinance marks one-year anniversary

Jul 27, 2023 | by Maya Norris

Chicago is about to get an influx of affordable housing and businesses around mass transit over the next few years with help from the Connected Communities ordinance, which marks its one-year anniversary this month.

Elevated Chicago joined forces with Chicago Housing Commissioner Marisa Novara to successfully push for passage of this sweeping legislation that addresses racial inequity by catalyzing economic development near public transportation.

Elevated Chicago, a coalition of community organizations,


Chicago’s bike network comes up short in national ranking 

Jul 19, 2023 | by Jim Merrell

People for Bikes recently released the 2023 City Rankings, and once again Chicago ranked near the bottom of the list of bike-friendly big cities in the US, a dismal 161 out of 163 cities evaluated.  

This echoes a similar result from a previous edition of the ranking

Chicago fared so poorly because our city is at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the particular factors that People for Bikes evaluates in its rankings.  


Improvements coming for the Des Plaines River Trail

Jul 14, 2023 | by Olivia Borowiak

The Des Plaines River Trail is one of the most significant trails in Chicagoland because of how it connects communities from the Wisconsin border all the way to the near-west suburbs of Brookfield and Forest Park.

In Cook County, the Des Plaines River Trail has the potential to connect key destinations such as the Illinois Prairie Path, the Salt Creek Trail, the Medical District, the CTA Blue Line, and the Brookfield Zoo.

There are a number of exciting trail improvements underway,


Mayor Johnson’s transition report includes strong vision for walking, biking, and transit 

Jul 12, 2023 | by Jim Merrell

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has an unprecedented opportunity to improve the lives of Chicagoans by expanding access to healthy, sustainable, and equitable transportation options.

Thoughtful, community-led policies, plans, and projects that make walking, biking, and public transit safer and easier can bring transformational impact to communities across the city.

During the 2023 municipal election cycle, Active Trans worked with dozens of civic and community partners to develop a shared vision for transportation equity in Chicago.

Bike the Drive: A beginner’s guide

Jun 23, 2023 | by Olivia Borowiak

Cruising down DuSable Lakeshore Drive on a bicycle with thousands of other riders in Bike the Drive is an event that many people look forward to every year. It’s an unforgettable experience that offers a unique view of the city and the lake shore.

One of the great features of the event is that it welcomes riders of any skill level from beginner to elite.

In order to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone,


Riding in unity to honor our walking and biking fatalities

May 18, 2023 | by Ted Villaire

On Wednesday, May 17, people gathered for an annual bicycle ride to honor those who were injured or killed while biking or walking in the past year.

About 100 people participated in the Ride of Silence in Chicago, and throughout Illinois, there were about 40 different Ride of Silence events.

The event calls attention to the right of people to bike and walk on public roadways and the urgent need for infrastructure that will make these transportation options safer and more welcoming for people of all ages and abilities.


Bill for safer intersections clears the IL Senate and House

May 11, 2023 | by Ted Villaire

A bill that would give local communities the ability to build intersections that are safer for people walking and biking passed out of the Illinois Senate and House and now heads to the governor’s desk. The bill was approved by the Illinois House by a vote of 87-25 on May 11.

Thank you to everyone who responded to our action alerts to advance SB 2278!

Currently, local communities are required to build intersections that will accommodate the turning of a 65-foot truck,
