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About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking or riding public transit.
Read MoreMore than 60 businesses now offer special discount programs and events in Chicago’s first Bike Friendly Business Districts in Lakeview and West Town.
Read MoreHalf of school children walked or biked to school in 1969, but only 13 percent were doing it in 2009.
Read MoreBetween 2006 and 2012, people driving cars hit nearly 19,000 children who were walking or biking in Illinois, and 54 percent of those children were hit within one block of a school.
Read MoreAn average of nearly 125,000 daily bike trips are taken in Chicago, most of which — nearly 91,000 — are errand-related trips like going to the store or the library.
Read MoreThe Chicago region’s current hub-and-spoke transit system leaves nearly half a million Cook County residents stranded in transit deserts.
Read MorePost image: In the latest Chicago Tribune story on the city’s photo enforcement program, the reporter quotes national safety experts who seem more concerned with keeping cars moving as fast as possible than making our streets safer. The Trib uses its handpicked experts to make the case that Chicago’s yellow light times are too short and we should lengthen the […]
Read MoreCenter for Disease Control, “Adolescent and School Health: Guidelines and Strategies”. Available online:; See also:… Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Roadway Crash Data. Garrett-Peltier, Heidi. “Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure: A National Study of Employment Impacts”. The Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts. June 2011. Available online:… Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Roadway Crash Data. […]
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