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Post image: Women Bike Chicago, the grassroots organization that promotes skill building and confidence in women who ride bikes, is holding its third annual Day of Dialogue and Demonstrations on Saturday, April 18, 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Dvorak Park in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood. Learn skills like How to do basic bike maintenance How to dress for easier and more […]
Read MorePost image: Regional transit leaders are pushing back hard against Gov. Rauner’s proposed cuts, which they’ve found are at least $40 million higher than originally reported. Leaders say CTA would be hardest hit by the plan – losing $130M in revenue – and may have to raise fares by as much as 30 percent, but Metra and Pace would also […]
Read MorePost image: Nearly two years ago, we decided the Active Trans website needed help. In web years, our site was old as dirt. At first we weren’t sure how much intervention was needed: Did it need just a weekend at the spa or did it need serious medical attention? After getting feedback from staff, board members, supporters and event participants, […]
Read MoreJames Bausch had just bought an engagement ring for his girlfriend Amanda Annis when he biked by a crash scene. Less than an hour later, he learned the crushing news: that his girlfriend had been hit and killed at that scene by a driver who ran a red light. James told us that “nobody should have to go through what […]
Read MorePost image: It’s election season and the proposed rapid transit line on Ashland has been in the news. Unfortunately, though, there have been many misperceptions about the project going around and little focus on the positive impact it would have on our neighborhoods. Our Executive Director Ron Burke and Jacky Grimshaw, vice president for policy at the Center for Neighborhood […]
Read MoreChicago, Ill., March 19, 2015 — Saying that the victims of traffic crashes are being forgotten in the debate over traffic safety and red light cameras, transportation advocates today called on Chicago’s elected leaders and candidates for elected office to support a comprehensive “Vision Zero” strategy to consistently reduce traffic injuries and eventually eliminate traffic fatalities. In addition, they recommended […]
Read MoreIn Chicago, an average of 60 people are injured or killed every day in traffic crashes; 12 of those people are biking or walking.
Read MoreRoughly every three days, one person biking or walking is killed by someone driving a car in the Chicago region.
Read MoreMaintenance and simple improvements to increase reliability could save Illinois train commuters more than 800,000 hours in delays every year.
Read MoreOnly 24 percent of jobs in the region are accessible by transit in 90 minutes or less by a typical resident — and that number drops to 12 percent in the suburbs.
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