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Post image: Every day in Illinois, five children are hit by a vehicle within one block of a school. Many of these crashes lead to life altering injuries and some are tragically fatal. 100 percent of them are preventable. Today we’re asking you to join us in saying: enough is enough. Please click the link below to email your state representative […]
Read MorePost image: People walk, run and ride bikes on the Lakefront Trail year round, but with spring blooming, trail users should expect trail use to grow over the next several weeks. Before you head out to the trail, you should know about some major lakefront construction projects that could affect your trip. Work began on the Navy Pier Flyover last […]
Read MoreA bike network is only as strong as its weakest link, but a new proposal by 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly threatens to remove one of the most critical connections in Chicago’s growing network of protected bike lanes. In an ordinance introduced in the Chicago City Council, Ald. Reilly is seeking to force the Chicago Department of Transportation to remove […]
Read MorePost image: On Wednesday, 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly proposed removing the Kinzie St. protected bike lane, Chicago's first protected bike lane and one of the most popular bike routes in the country. Take action to tell your alderman you support keeping and improving the bike lane on Kinzie, and that you want safer streets for people biking throughout the […]
Read MoreNow that election season is over, it’s time for our leaders to follow through on their commitment to make our streets safer by developing an action plan to achieve Vision Zero in Chicago. Sign our petition calling on Chicago leaders to support a comprehensive Vision Zero strategy. Vision Zero is an international traffic safety movement built on the concept that […]
Read MorePost image: A growing body of research tells us that businesses whose customers arrived by foot or bicycle visited the most often and spent the most money per month. And we've learned that retail sales greatly increase when businesses are located near a protected bike lane. That’s part of the reason that the Six Corners Association has teamed up with […]
Read MorePost image: We’ve recently had some parents and school officials share with us stories about unsafe streets near schools. Unfortunately, the dangerous conditions they describe are all too common. No sidewalks. Fast moving traffic. Dangerous crossings. Sound familiar? For too many Illinois children, these are the unacceptable conditions they encounter every day while walking or biking to school. Unsafe streets […]
Read MorePost image: Making a city as vast and diverse as Chicago more walkable is an ongoing battle, and a new report shows there’s much more work to be done. This week Walk Score released an updated list of the most walkable cities in the U.S. and, although Chicago’s score remained stable (74.8), our ranking dropped from fourth to sixth. Philadelphia […]
Read MorePost image: Do you, or someone you know, want to start cycling in an urban environment, but perhaps you’re unsure where to start? Active Trans is now offering city cycling classes every second Saturday of the month, beginning in May! While there’s no question that Chicago is more bikable than it’s ever been, it’s perfectly natural to have some anxiety […]
Read MorePost image: For the first time ever, Divvy trip data from the entire past year is publicly available, and Divvy has challenged citizens to come up with interesting ways of visually explaining what the trip data has revealed about the way people move about the city. Now it’s time for you and others to vote for which visualization is best […]
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