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Post image: Whether you’re a new parent, a seasoned pro or expecting your first-born, you’ve probably experienced a feeling of confinement to a car or public transit while shepherding your little ones. But being a parent doesn’t have to compromise your active transportation lifestyle! Just in time for summer, we have the information, encouragement and support you need to achieve pedaling […]
Read MorePost image: It’s now May and I think it’s 90% safe to say that spring is finally here. With the warmer weather comes increased traffic on the Lakefront Trail, especially with the abundance of scheduled 5Ks, 10Ks, and half-marathons. Be prepared for your lakefront bike ride or jog by checking out the following list of weekend events. And for regular […]
Read MorePost image: After we alerted you that 42nd Ward Ald. Brendan Reilly was threatening to force the removal of the Kinzie Street protected bike lane, you responded in a big way. More than 1,400 Chicagoans from 43 different wards took up our call to action to save the Kinzie protected bike lane. (If you haven’t already, you can still take […]
Read MorePost image: This week the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), launched a listening tour to hear directly from residents about the transportation challenges they face every day. Active Trans wants to make sure people who ride transit, bike and walk don’t get overlooked in this critical statewide conversation. The listening tour will inform budget decisions and a potential capital infrastructure […]
Read MoreComplete Streets and Active Transportation Plan Call for Projects Active Transportation Alliance is pleased to announce the second round of the Healthy HotSpot Active Transportation Plan and Complete Streets Technical Assistance Program. Technical assistance grants will be awarded to: 3 municipalities to develop an Active Transportation Plan 2 municipalities to develop Complete Streets design approaches. Municipalities must be within suburban Cook County to […]
Read MorePost image: In recent months, Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering and members of city council unanimously accepted an agreement to be a Family-Friendly Bikeways community. In doing so, this North Shore community becomes the first Chicago suburb to collaborate with the Active Transportation Alliance on our campaign to build networks of bikeways that are comfortable places for people of […]
Read MorePost image: In May, the Chicago Department of Transportation's Complete Streets program will be conducting its regular Downtown Bike Count. To help with this process, CDOT needs volunteers to assist in downtown Chicago. This bike count is conducted in the spring, summer and fall and records the number of bicyclists who travel in and out of Chicago’s Central Business District. Volunteers will […]
Read MorePost image: As citizens it’s our duty to actively participate in decisions that affect our community. People who live or work in Will County will soon have a chance to do just that at a series of four open houses to discuss transportation systems and future transportation needs and challenges. Will County has already started gathering information to create a […]
Read MorePost image: Every day in Illinois, five children are hit by a vehicle within one block of a school. Many of these crashes lead to life altering injuries and some are tragically fatal. 100 percent of them are preventable. Today we’re asking you to join us in saying: enough is enough. Please click the link below to email your state […]
Read MorePost image: People walk, run and ride bikes on the Lakefront Trail year round, but with spring blooming, trail users should expect trail use to grow over the next several weeks. Before you head out to the trail, you should know about some major lakefront construction projects that could affect your trip. Work began on the Navy Pier Flyover last […]
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