
Did You Know?

Only 0.7 percent of federal transportation funds are spent on improving pedestrian facilities.

Obesity Numbers Go the Right Way — Lower

Some good news came out today from our partners at CLOCC.  On March 16, CLOCC released new prevalance data for Chicago children that indicate a reduction in obesity for children at school entry – from 24% to 22% – from 2003 – 2008. In addition, CLOCC released the first-ever data on Chicago children entering sixth grade and found an obesity rate of 28% for this age group. The full press release is available here.  Data around the country has shown a leveling off, but this is the first community around the nation that is showing a reduction.  Congratulations to CLOCC and all of its many partners!  We're proud to be a founding member.  Find out more about CLOCC at