Do you, or someone you know, want to start cycling in an urban environment, but perhaps you’re unsure where to start?
Active Trans is now offering city cycling classes every second Saturday of the month, beginning in May!
While there’s no question that Chicago is more bikable than it’s ever been, it’s perfectly natural to have some anxiety about sharing the roadway with motor traffic.
Our aim is to reach out to those individuals who see all the fun and convenience of city cycling, but would like learn some "tricks of the trade" before riding on their own.
At our downtown headquarters, you’ll spend three hours with a League of American Bicyclists certified instructor, which will include spending 90 minutes "in-class" and another 90 minutes on the street.
We’ll focus on topics like
- Choosing a bike
- Basic maintenance
- Navigating city streets
- Riding with traffic
When finished, all participants will be well-equipped to ride to school, work or just for fun!
The session is $15 for Active Trans members, and $50 for non-members (non-member price includes a tax-deductible membership with all the perks!)
Bring a well-functioning bike, a lock and a helmet to participate. You must be at least 14 years of age (ages 14-17 must bring written permission from a parent or guardian). Space is limited to 30 students per class.