Mayoral candidates support upgrading Metra Electric

Chicago’s leading candidates for mayor recognize the untapped potential of the Metra Electric Line and understand why the next administration must upgrade it.

For years Active Trans has worked with community-based partners in the Coalition for a Modern Metra Electric to fight for more service, better coordination and safer stations along the line.

Now mayoral candidates are getting on board in response to a candidate questionnaire from Active Transportation NOW, a 501(c)4 affiliate of Active Trans. 

Coalition goals for the Metra Electric include:

  • Trains every 10 to 15 minutes
  • An equitable fare structure with easy, low-cost transfer to CTA and Pace
  • Clean, safe, bright, accessible stations

We were thrilled to see that all eight candidates who responded to the candidate questionnaire (Daley, Enyia, Fioretti, Ford, Kozlar, Lightfoot, Preckwinkle and Vallas) support upgrading Metra Electric with more frequent service and discounted fare transfers.

In her questionnaire response, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle noted the county is currently coordinating with the city and transit agencies on a potential pilot program.

Frequent and affordable service on the Metra Electric would offer better access to jobs, improve quality of life for residents and encourage investment in the South Side and south suburbs.

Learn more about the benefits of investing in more frequent service on the Metra Electric District Line.

And it you haven’t done it already, please take action now for faster and more reliable Metra Electric service.

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