Make your voice heard for safer streets in Chicago

Over the past five years, the number of serious injuries and fatalities on our roadways has soared.

Speed is typically a major culprit.

If you want to see motorists traveling at safer speeds, please consider taking action by contacting your alderperson.

Chicago City Council’s Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety will hold a hearing on lowering the Chicago default speed limit on May 1.

Please take a moment to urge your alderperson to support lower speed limits by sending them this action alert.



The Chicago City Council hearing on May 1 will discuss lowering the citywide speed limit from the current 30 mph to 25 mph. It’s an informational hearing and no vote will occur.

Please send your alderman a letter using this form and tell them we are facing a traffic safety crisis in Chicago and that you support lowering the citywide speed limit to 25 mph.

The time for action is now. Lowering the speed limit is a proven solution that has delivered tangible results in cities across the country.

Given that excessive speed is the most common factor in serious and fatal crashes, we know that one of the best ways to save lives is to get people driving to slow down.

  •     In collisions at 30 mph, 5 out of 10 pedestrians will survive.
  •     In collisions at 20 mph, 9 out of 10 pedestrians will survive.


Research shows that after lowering the default speed limits to below 30 mph, drivers actually slow down, with the biggest decline coming among people speeding excessively. This was true on all types of roads — arterials, collectors, and local roads.

Because of quick responses from supporters like you, we’ve moved forward important bills like these in the past. Let’s do it again!

Thank you for taking action and helping make streets safer for people walking and biking.

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