
Did You Know?

Public transit users take 30 percent more steps and spend roughly eight more minutes walking each day than drivers.

Long way to go even with $1 billion investment in CTA Red and Purple Lines

Active Trans applauds Governor Pat Quinn and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for investing in our region’s transit system. Yesterday's announcement to allocate $1 billion to improve the Red and Purple Lines is a great step in the right direction, but it unfortunately falls short of the cost of fully repairing and modernizing these train lines, which the CTA has estimated at $2-4 billion — just for the Red and Purple Lines north of Belmont.

src= region still has a long way to go toward creating the 21st century transit system we deserve.

Transit in Chicagoland is significantly underfunded. Demand for transit in our region is increasing, yet we are faced again with possible fare increases and service cuts from CTA and Metra.

Transit riders also contend with slow zones, overcrowded trains and buses, and long waits at stations that are dirty and in need of repairs.

Bringing the Red and Purple Lines into a state of good repair is an essential investment, but enormous challenges still remain.

CTA, Metra and Pace together are in need of $24 billion in capital funding to keep our region’s transit system in a state of good repair. To create a 21st century transit system, we need to move beyond simply maintaining what we have.

We need to expand and enhance service, including extending the Red Line to 130th Street. Our transit agencies also continue to face operational deficits because of a lack of funding, which has led to annual doomsdays of fare increases and service cuts.

Our elected officials hold the purse strings. Active Trans encourages Governor Quinn and Mayor Emanuel to continue to make transit a priority.

You can encourage your elected leaders to increase investment in transit through our Riders for Better Transit campaign.
