
Did You Know?

About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking, or riding public transit.

Lakefront Trail Conditions 1/13/11

I rode the entire Lakefront Trail late Wednesday night (1/12) and both the Oak Street and North Avenue underpasses had been plowed. There is still some snow, but they are in fairly good condition. Curiously, there are barricades at both ends of the Oak Street underpass. I rode through the underpass in both directions without difficulty. The Ohio Street underpass has been cleared on the east side but not on the west side.

I rode the entire length of the trail, except between Oak Street and Ohio Street, and the only really difficult parts to ride were the area south of Fullerton, where the soft surface has been plowed but the ground is rough, and a section around Oakwood on the south side. The Oakwood section seems to have had drifting snow cover the Trail after the plowing took place. We will talk to the Park District about getting this area plowed again.

The area from LaRabida to the South Coast Cultural Center also has quite a bit of ice. I actually took the street back north in this area instead of re-riding on the Trail for safety reasons (the street was pretty quiet that late at night).

Thanks, Randy