
Did You Know?

A bicycle commuter who rides four miles to work, five days a week, avoids 2,000 miles of driving and about 2,000 pounds of CO2 emissions each year.

I love commuting!

No, that's not a typo. I really love traveling to work! And it isn't because I have the best job in the world, working at Active Trans (although I do). It's because I am incredibly fortunate to live in a location — Chicago's south side — where I have a boatload of choices on how to make my trip to work.

src= days when I want to relax and read or the weather is particularly crummy, I take Metra (a 5 block walk from my home). I can even find a quiet car if I wish! Other times I walk a few extra blocks to CTA's #26 South Shore Express bus.

On these days I make sure to get a seat (or stand) on the right side of the bus so I can watch beautiful Lake Michigan on the ride into the city.

If I need to get to work quickly, I ride my bike about 1 mile to the #14 Jeffery Express, load my bike onto the bus rack, then disembark downtown and ride the rest of the way to work. That's about 45 minutes from door-to-door, for a trip from 7600 south and 2500 east — not too shabby (and now you know I live in South Shore!).

And on the days when I have my bike with me, I can ride my bike all the way home (roughly 11-12 miles) via the Lakefront Trail or along the on-street bike network (King Drive bike lane, baby!). 

A handful of times I'll actually ride both ways, all the way. But I am SERIOUSLY not a morning person, people, and riding in the a.m. makes me a grumpy gal.

Finally, on rare occasions when a car is needed, I can do that pretty easily, too.

What, you ask, is the point of all this gloating? Well, it isn't actually to gloat, but to point out that, when we have our priorities right, we can actually design and build communities that provide healthy, sustainable options for getting around. It just makes sense.

At Active Trans, our quest is to make this a reality for every person in every community. We're getting there, folks, and we need all the advocates out there to join us, using whatever talents you have to advance the movement.

So keep pushing for what's right, stay tuned to Active Trans, and look for me on the bus/train/trail. I'll be the one with the smile.