How can Chicago suburbs become more walkable and bike-friendly?

With gas prices surging and climate threats getting worse, many towns across the Chicago region are trying to do more to support walking and biking as transportation options. But they often struggle to figure out what policies and projects to prioritize, and what makes a real difference in promoting alternatives to driving.  

Help is on the way.

Active Trans is excited to co-host a new event series, Taking Climate Action by Prioritizing Walking, Biking, and Transit, along with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and Metropolitan Planning Council. The series seeks to educate communities, inspire municipal action, and cultivate local champions to move our region toward a more walkable, bikeable, and sustainable future. 

The project is designed to support goals from the Mayors Caucus’ 2021 Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region. The plan calls for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector by reducing driving (vehicle miles traveled) and building and maintaining safe, resilient, and accessible active transportation infrastructure.

The free event series will include four webinars and an in-person walking tour to highlight best practices and guidance on a variety of topics, including developing bicycle and pedestrian plans, advancing equitable Transit Oriented Development, accessing transportation funding, and ADA transition planning. Join us for our first event in April! 


What does it take to develop a municipal bicycle or pedestrian plan? Why should your community develop one?   

Join us on Thursday April 28 for a virtual panel discussion featuring leaders from across our region that have successfully planned, adopted, and implemented walking and biking plans. The panel will delve into the intersections of regional climate action, local urban planning, mobility, and the built environment that we engage with everyday.  

Active Trans staff will walk through how to develop a community plan and you will hear about the experiences and best practices from local leaders who have prioritized walking and biking in their communities. Panelists include: 

  • Nathan Bruemmer, Planner, Village of Niles 
  • Maggie Czerwinski, Advocacy Manager, Active Transportation Alliance 
  • Regan Stockstell, Village Manager, Village of Richton Park 
  • Audrey Wennink (moderator), Director of Transportation, MPC 

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