
Did You Know?

Nearly five children are hit by people driving every day in Illinois while walking or biking within one block of a school.

Houses chosen for Homewood Green Streets Open House Tour

 Greg Byron, ReMax dealer and former bike shop owner, has selected the homes we'll tour on June 19 at the Homewood Green Streets Open House Tour. Greg found homes in all four corners of the Village – maximizing the exploring we'll get to do by bike!

18330 Cherry Creek Drive, Unit 3 – $84.9K
3201 185th Place – $159.9K
18532 May Street – $199.5K
17501 Western Avenue – $189K
1665 W 186th Place – $159.9K

And what a time to tour Homewood, with its Art and Gardens Street Fair in full swing at our starting point AND where we'll return for the included catered lunch from Grady's Grill.

And it's STILL FREE. Join us – RSVP at