Did You Know?
Footprints – and beer – draws a crowd it turns out
Oh my, is there bike love in the Southland, enough to turn gray skies to blue. We killed a quarter barrel of beer and ate everything Flossmoor Station, our Bike After Work co-host, could throw at us. Bike club turnout included Folks on Spokes, Oak Lawn Bike Psychos, Major Taylor Chicago Cycling Club, South Chicago Wheelmen, and Chicago Cycling Meetup. Deputy chief of police Jim Gannon dropped by, as did the Village of Tinley Park's planning staff and South Chicago Wheelmen president Steve Feehery, comuunications director of the Chicago Southland Convention & Visitors Bureua Bob Lukens, the National Park Service's Diane Banta, and Active Trans staff Carolyn Helmke, Katie Tulley, and Matthew Griffen.
ActiveTrans's Footprints coaches had a field day, collecting dozens of surveys from folks wanting to make just one trip a week some other way than driving. And Friends of the Calumet-Sag Trail sold more than 50 raffle tickets toward matching $260,000 in federal funds to build the Calumet-Sag Trail. Plus we killed a quarter barrel of Flossmoor Station's Zephyr Golden Ale and trays of wings and other happy hour food.
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