
Did You Know?

People walking are five times as likely to be killed by a driver traveling 30 mph as one going 20 mph.

Fight for safer streets continues under President Trump

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Since Election Day, we have received many questions from members, partners and the media about what the results mean for the future of active transportation in the Chicago region.

At the state level, the passage of the transportation lockbox amendment means we'll stay engaged in the legislative fight to ensure any new money can be spent on biking, walking and public transportation projects.

Breaking down the national results is more difficult. 

President-elect Trump ran a campaign that was long on emotion and short on facts and details. Moreover, he's a real estate developer and celebrity with little government experience. We don't know where he stands on many issues because, beyond general platitudes, he hasn’t developed detailed policy positions yet.

The next few months will be crucial as his team develops an agenda that goes beyond generalities. People across the Chicago region are demanding more transportation options and that doesn’t change under a Trump presidency.

We will continue to work with Congress and the federal and state transportation agencies to fight for funding and policies that improve biking, walking and transit. We'll see if Trump has more success in Congress than Obama did passing a major new infrastructure program.

Join Active Trans or renew your membership today to show your support.

Given Trump's troubling remarks about women, immigrants, Muslims and communities of color, we stand with our partners in Chicagoland’s diverse communities. We will continue to prioritize transportation equity as critical to building healthier, more sustainable and economically vibrant neighborhoods.

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