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Event shines spotlight on sustainable transportation in Evanston
Last night, more 50 Evanstonians gathered for an Evanston Green Drinks Social sponsored by Citizen's Greener Evanston.
Panelists for the event included myself, Barb Cornew; Catherine Hurley, City of Evanston Sustainable Program coordinator; and Sharon Feigon, CEO of I-GO Car Sharing and member of Citizen's Greener Evanston's transportation committee.
The three of us addressed the importance of sustainable transportation advocacy and suggested ways for people to get involved in the issues and ways to contact elected officials.
Audience members asked about bike boulevards, consolidation of bus stops on Dempster, more Must Stop for Pedestrian signs, ride sharing, dedicated bike lanes, car parking and bike parking in Evanston, and how to encourage more people to use transit.
Learn about future Green Drinks events in Evanston and keep an eye out for future events in Evanston, like Car Free Day on September 22 and the annual Bike the Ridge event, which opens Ridge Ave. between Howard and Church solely for bikers, walkers and other active transportation users on Sunday, October 2.
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