
Did You Know?

Roughly every three days, one person biking or walking is killed by someone driving a car in the Chicago region.

Complete Streets of Cook County Announced

Today was an historic day for our region.  Cook County Board President Todd Stroger announced a new County Complete Streets executive order and the creation of Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force.  Cook County, the second largest county in the country, now has one of the most comprehensive policies.  More to come later, but here is the policy:

Cook County Complete Streets Policy

Cook County continues its pursuit of a more appropriately balanced and better-aligned transportation system, which would include options and amenities for both our motorized and non-motorized modes of conveyances. This is an effort to promote a more active and healthier living environment, as well as raising the levels of consciousness of all those individuals, organizations, municipalities and institutions wishing to partner with us. Our approach enhances and compliments the character of the community.

By undertaking formal initiatives and planning a comprehensive, integrated and connected transportation network, Cook County, along with its partners, will structure policies and/or principles throughout all phases of project planning and development.

Decisions regarding the public right-of-way shall promote use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transit. Cook County will incorporate this principle into our planning and design strategies.

Transit priority improvements shall be encouraged to expedite the movement of public transit vehicles. The County shall advocate for innovative solutions to meet public transportation needs wherever possible.

Complete streets can be achieved through single projects or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time.

The President of the Cook County Board shall appoint a Cook County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Taskforce to advise the County Board and appropriate departments on:
· Implementation of the Complete Streets Policy
· Priorities for bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs
· Measures to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety

In this manner, Cook County can effectively coordinate and facilitate the planning, design, and construction of thoroughfares to accommodate many modes of transportation, thus providing mobility for a multitude of users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit users of all ages and abilities traversing within the public right-of-way.