
Did You Know?

A bicycle commuter who rides four miles to work, five days a week, avoids 2,000 miles of driving and about 2,000 pounds of CO2 emissions each year.

Come to Member Meeting & Advocate Summit, Nov. 17

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Each year, Active Trans invites its members to come together to discuss what we’ve done in the past year and what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. 

It’s an occasion for members to become more familiar with the work of Active Trans and have crucial input into what the organization will focus on in the coming year. 

It’s also a perfect opportunity to heighten your advocacy skills and gather tips on working in your community to improve biking, walking and transit.  

Thanks to support from people like you, we were able to take some important steps forward in the past year. From the victory to keep the Kinzie Bike Lane intact to the development of new trails across the region to garnering thousands of new supporters for our Transit Future campaign, we couldn’t be more grateful to people like you for our collective success. 

But as you know, there’s no shortage of work across the region that needs to be done to improve biking, walking and transit. 

Come help us create a more active, livable Chicagoland. 

Please register and join us as we engage in critical dialogue and grassroots action planning that will push our movement forward.  

Come to our 2015 Member Meeting & Advocate Summit on Tuesday, November 17, 5:30 to 8 p.m., at Ross Barney Architects, 10 W. Hubbard St., Chicago. 

Beer and snacks will be provided. Please register by November 15. 
