
Did You Know?

About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking, or riding public transit.

Come to a Midlothian community input meeting

Do you live or work in Midlothian? If so, your input is needed on future walking and biking options in the community.

The village is applying for Transportation Enhancement funds to improve the pedestrian and bicycle thoroughfares. The application includes a continuous bicycle and pedestrian way from Kenton to the Village Green (see the village's pedestrian map and its bike map). This improvement was identified as mid-term goal in Midlothian’s Active Transportation Plan.

Public involvement is a priority to Midlothian. Please bring your opinions on this project to the open house on Monday, May 21 at 5 p.m. at the Village Chamber, 14801 S. Pulaski Ave. If you have any questions, contact Trustee Karen Kreis at 708-389-0200.


