
Did You Know?

While the Chicago region’s population grew by 18 percent since 1980, the traffic increased by 66 percent in the same period.

Chicago media puts public support for biking on display

We know that people want safer streets for biking. A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration survey found that 71 percent of Americans would like to bike more, but fewer than half feel their community is safe for bikes.


While controversy often tends to be what attracts attention, there's also no shortage of press coverage demonstrating the strong public support for new bike lanes in Chicago. Over the past week, there's been a strong showing of support in the form of an op-ed in Crain's Chicago from Donald Wilson of DRW Trading Group, a front-page story in the Chicago Tribune that gave Active Trans the last word, a column by Greg Hinz in Crain's, and even an editorial from the Chicago Sun-Times stating that The opening Friday of the Loop’s first protected bicycle lane is a reminder there’s a better way to design the city’s transportation system.

Below are some highlights of supportive press coverage since Chicago's first protected bike lane was installed. Share links to your favorite positive news and commentary in the comments. 

The photo features a neighbor of the new protected bike lane on Dearborn giving a thumbs up for the project. 
