At our Member Meeting & Advocacy Summit on Nov. 17, participants will be taking action in support of our campaigns to improve biking, walking and transit in the region.
Whether you're attending the Member Meeting or not, you can use the links below to take action in support of each of our core campaigns.
Please share this page using the hashtag #ATAction and find posts from other Active Trans members and supporters.
Safe Crossings
Support a comprehensive "Vision Zero" strategy to reduce traffic injuries and ultimately eliminate traffic fatalities on our streets.
Bikeways for All
Help make a seamless network of low-stress bikeways across Chicagoland a reality.
Join the Bikeways for All campaign to bring safer and better biking to your community.
Safe Routes for Healthy Kids
Everyday five kids in Illinois are hit by a car within one block of a school.
Join the Safe Routes for Healthy Kids Campaign to make sure every child in Illinois can safely walk or bike to school.
Please share our social media infographics with your friends and followers.
Transit Future
Send a letter in support of one the game-changing transit projects the Transit Future campaign is fighting to make happen in your neighborood. Note: Users can only take action on a line if they live in one of the commissioner districts along the proposed line.