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Active Trans to IDOT: Make it better
The Active Transportation Alliance has submitted comments on the latest plans for expanding the Elgin-O'Hare Expressway. We are concerned about the impact this project will have on bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders.
The proposed project if done incorrectly could disconnect DuPage County communities from their Cook County neighbors to the north. It could also disconnect residents of some communities — namely Schaumburg — from access to their Metra stations. And all of this would come at a very high cost.
We cannot support this project at this time because it fails to achieve our goal — to better connect people to places through active modes of transportation.
Active Trans provided the project planners with detailed recommendations on how to better accomodate bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders without reducing any capacity for motor vehicles. We offered these suggestions to further the implementation of the State of Illinois, Cook County and DuPage County Complete Streets policies.
Those policies share the common goal that all roadway projects should be designed, constructed and operated in a manner to accomodate all users regardless of ability or mode of travel.
If you want to read the full plans for the project and learn more about the public participation process, go to www.elginohare-westbypass.org.
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