ACTION ALERT: Urge your state legislators to support Transit Fast Forward!

Riders for Better Transit is holding a press conference and Day of Action today to introduce Transit Fast Forward — state legislation that would improve and expand train and bus service in Chicagoland through better investment. This is an exciting step forward for our movement!

""TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell your state legislators to support Transit Fast Forward today!

If Chicagoland wants to compete as a world-class region, then we need to invest in a 21st Century transit system to keep our economy moving and improve our quality of life. Our public transportation system should be moving forward, not backward!

Transit Fast Forward (SB 3236) would provide a new, dedicated source of funding for transit that will grow over time. It would generate an estimated $11.6 million in 2013, and a projected $168 million over the first five years. It indexes the state gas tax with inflation, a move that will dedicate an additional fraction of a penny per gallon to public transportation. The end result will be better commutes for drivers and transit riders alike.

New transit revenue could help build new stations, expand routes and service times, bring back express buses and eliminate slow zones. It could help prevent future service cuts and fare increases.

Today is also our first Transit Day of Action, with volunteers from Riders for Better Transit blanketing train stations across the Loop during the morning rush hour to spread the word about Transit Fast Forward. Please join our Day of Action by contacting your state legislators!

TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell your state legislators to support Transit Fast Forward today!
