Sponsor Us

Get your message heard: Become a sponsor!

Let the Active Transportation Alliance help your business build its brand, reach new audiences and strengthen loyalty with current customers.

Become an Active Trans sponsor at whatever level is best for you. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels for our many events and programs. Here is a quick overview of opportunities for you to prove your commitment to healthy, green transportation in Chicagoland.

Bike the Drive — the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend

Our signature event opens Lake Shore Drive to 21,000+ bicyclists on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend for one of the best car-free bike rides in the world.

Participants pedal the Chicago lakefront and then enjoy a post-ride festival with food, music and dozens of booths.

  • Sponsorships range from $5,000 to $65,000
  • On-site activation and marketing benefits available from $500 to $800
  • Sponsor activation begins in January

Bike Commuter Challenge  mid-June

Make contact with more than 7,000 participants from 500 businesses during this mid-June competition that encourages employees to get active and bike to work. Sponsors will be part of outreach to riders at “bike pit stops” during the morning commute as well as after work events around Chicagoland all week!

This is a great chance to meet bicyclists in targeted areas in the region.

  • Available sponsorships range from $3,000 to $20,000.
  • Sponsor activation begins in May.

Contact us today to learn about the options available! Get in touch at [email protected].

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