
Did You Know?

About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking, or riding public transit.

Take our survey to connect Belmont to Diversey via trail

Because trails are emerging quickly along the Chicago River, it’s urgent we push for connections between them now so they will link people to jobs, shopping districts, and recreational opportunities.

One place we’re working to extend the Chicago River Trail is on the North Side between Belmont and Diversey Avenues. Two riverfront paths are on the verge of being completed here: the 312 RiverRun (see photo left) and Lathrop Homes trail.

However, a one-mile gap between them will exist after these trails are built. And if you’ve ever walked or biked along Belmont Avenue near the river, you know how treacherous it can be for people walking and biking.

It’s inevitable that the number of people walking and biking in the area will only increase when these trails are finished. That’s why we’re studying the possibility of making on-street connections between them as well as the feasibility of a path along the east side of the river edge.

This is where we’d love your input. Are you familiar with Roscoe Village and Logan Square? Do you live, commute through, or shop in the area? What connections would make it easier for you to walk and bike in the neighborhood?

Please take our eight-question survey and share widely with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Taking the survey will demonstrate your support for connecting these trails and will help guide recommendations that’ll eventually be presented to the city. Your input will also help inform our advocacy priorities.

We value the input of residents and local stakeholders and will use the input to ensure that ideas reflect neighborhood priorities.

Click here to take the survey and show your support for low-stress biking and walking along the Chicago River.

This project is part of our campaign for a continuous Chicago River Trail. A complete trail would promote walking and biking and support healthy communities, cleaner environments, and a vibrant local economy. Survey participants will be added to the Chicago River Trail campaign and receive project updates.