
Did You Know?

Only 11 percent of Chicagoland residents ride transit to work.

2024 Annual Alliance Member Party

Come out and celebrate the year’s accomplishments, meet fellow members, and offer a round of applause for our advocate and volunteer awardees.

The movement has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years, and while there’s still important work to be done, there are also so many wins to recognize and celebrate together.



The evening kicks off with a happy hour followed by a presentation of volunteer and advocacy awards, updates on our work, and electing new members to our board of directors. It’s a little bit of business and a LOT of party.

  • A State of the Movement from Executive Director Amy Rynell.
  • Awards celebrating the work of our dedicated advocates and volunteers.
  • A chance to connect with fellow members, supporters, and Active Transportation Alliance staff.
  • Refreshing libations, courtesy of Revolution Brewing.
  • Voting for our Board of Directors.

This party won’t be the same without you!







This event is just for our members and volunteers whose support helps fuel our advocacy work. Not a member? Sign-up with your registration and join us for a great night. Support the movement by becoming a member.