
Did You Know?

Public transit users take 30 percent more steps and spend roughly eight more minutes walking each day than drivers.

Bike events in Arlington Heights

Mark your calendar for these events in Arlington Heights

Plan ahead now for the Arlington 500 Invitational Bike Ride on Sunday May 16
The Arlington 500 follows lightly traveled roads in Lake County, Illinois and is designed for the recreational bicyclist. 2010 is the 31st year for this popular ride which attracts cyclists from Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa. The ride features a choice of 4 routes with distances of 30, 44, 54, or 68 miles. The longest route, 68 miles, is slightly longer than 500 furlongs. The ride begins and ends at Barrington High School, West Parking Lot, 616 W. Main Street, Barrington Illinois. Details at or email



International Ride of Silence on Wednesday May 19
Ride of Silence is an international event to honor those who have been injured or killed while bicycling on public roadways. All cyclists are encouraged to participate. The Ride Of Silence is a free ride that asks its cyclists to ride no faster than 12 mph and remain silent during the ride. There is no brochure, no sponsors, no registration fees and no t-shirt. The ride, which is held during Bike Safety month, aims to raise the awareness of motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. Hundreds of locations around the world at 7PM Locally rides are planned for Chicago, Arlington Heights, Evanston, Joliet. Details at or email (Chicago) (Arlington Heights) (Joliet)