
Did You Know?

Roughly every three days, one person biking or walking is killed by someone driving a car in the Chicago region.

Lakefront Trail Conditions 12/27/10

Wow, the snow that we received on Sunday (12/26) certainly impacted the Lakefront Trail.

I rode the Trail from Lawrence to North Avenue on Monday (12/27) and it was plowed and slated from Lawrence to Fullerton. The sun was out yesterday and again today (Tuesday) and that, hopefully, will aid in some snow melt, but much of the Trail was still snow covered on Monday.

At Fullerton, as many of you have noted, the Trail is closed and no recent plowing has taken place between Fullerton and Ohio Streets. I was able to ride some of the section between Fullerton and North Avenue but it was challenging on my cross bike with cross tires and I did have to walk significant portions.

I have talked to the Park District about clearing all portions of the Trail that they are able to and they have agreed to clear the area south of Fullerton to the Oak Street underpass by the weekend. They again made clear that it is too dangerous to use their equipment on the area between the Oak Street Bend and Ohio Street.

Thanks, Randy