On a cold and snowy Monday in April, Active Trans staff and Des Plaines City staff biked throughout Des Plaines on roads and trails. We were shown both the challenge of the S curve and the great biking available through residential areas and along the Des Plaines River Trail.
Mayor Martin Moylan, an avid cyclist himself, greeted us at City Hall. We are excited about his involvement with the community as we work with the people of Des Plaines to develop an active transportation plan to improve biking, walking and transit opportunities.
Please come to the Active Transportation Plan Public Meeting on Saturday, April 30th 1:30 -3:30 p.m. at the Public Library.
Come share your thoughts on how to make your community more walkable and bikeable. We will have maps and markers so that you can show us your favorite destinations.
If you can't attend, take our online survey at www.surveymonkey.com/desplainesactivetrans or contact Barb Cornew at [email protected]
This active transportation plan is part of the Communities Putting Prevention to Work project.