Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is planning to improve the crash-prone Damen-Elston-Fullerton intersection. This 6-way intersection is busy (70,000+ vehicles a day) and one of the 10 most crash-prone intersections in the city.
The new design will separate the three streets to create more room between the intersections. This will allow for better turns and faster through-traffic.
For cyclists and pedestrians the plans are a bit unclear. It appears that there will be wider sidewalks and a new bike lane on Elston. What else would improve the conditions for active transportation? Better lighting? Landscaping? Benches? Bus shelters? Separated bike lanes? CDOT needs to hear your suggestions on how to make all three of these roads Complete Streets.
CDOT is about to wrap up the public comment period for Phase I planning, which included a public meeting on April 27 (here's some background and a presentation from the meeting). The comment form is attached to this posting. Please submit your comments by May 13.