Active Trans partcipating in CNU 19 conference in June

Active Trans is excited to be participating in the 19th annual Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU), in Madison, Wis., from June 1-4. Our members and friends who work in fields related to transportation, urban planning, real estate development and architecture may be particularly interested in checking out this conference and stopping by our sessions.

Active Trans executive director Ron Burke will participate in the breakout session Peds and Pedalers: the Walking and Biking Connection, and board member and founding executive director Randy Neufeld will participate in the session Bikeability: What’s It Worth?

Sprawling development patterns impose auto-centric, sedentary lifestyles as compared to denser, livelier and more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. The Congress for the New Urbanism addresses this directly by advocating for the public health improvements and the benefits of building social capital and active living through good, compact, and navigable design.

The annual Congress for the New Urbanism is the leading venue for new urbanist education, collaboration and networking. CNU members come from around the world to discuss development practices and public policies, to learn from recent innovative work and to advance new initiatives to transform our communities.

Other sessions at CNU 19 relating strongly to biking, walking and transit:

Early registration ends May 6.

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