Help Bring Protected Bike Lanes to Uptown: Please Attend Public Meeting 7/31

If you want to make Broadway Ave in Uptown better forbiking and walking, then you won’t want to miss 46th Ward Alderman James Cappleman’s upcoming public meeting to discuss planned biking and pedestrian improvements to this busy northside corridor.

""City transportation officials will review exciting plans to bring enhancements like protected bike lanes that will help calm traffic and make the corridor more people friendly.

What: 46th Ward Complete Streets Community Meeting
When: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Where: Weiss Memorial Hospital, 4646 N Marine Dr, (In the auditorium accessed from the main drive off Marine)

Let us know if you plan on attending – please RSVP here.

Please come out and voice your support for making Broadway safer and better for everyone!

Click here to let us know if you plan on stopping by and we’ll send you a reminder.

Photo courtesty of Flickr user swanksalot.

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