The West Suburbs include west suburban Cook County, as well as DuPage and Kane counties.
Get the relevant updates on active transportation issues in the West Suburbs below by joining our In Your Community: West Suburbs e-newsletter list.
- Aurora Bicycle, Pedestrian & Transit Advisory Board
- Batavia Bicycle Commission
- Bike Walk Bartlett (Facebook Group)
- Bike Walk Oak Park (Facebook Group)
- Brookfield Bikes! (Facebook Group)
- Bike Palatine Club
- Chicago Area Tandem Society
- Cycle Brookfield
- Downers Grove Bicycle Club
- Elgin Community Bikes (website); Bike Elgin Community (Facebook Page)
- Elmhurst Bicycle Club
- Fox Valley Bike & Ski Club
- Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove
- Friends of the East Branch DuPage River Trail
- Illinois Prairie Path (not-for-profit)
- Joliet Bicycle Club
- More Bike Lanes in Aurora, IL (Facebook Group)
- Oak Park Cycle Club
- Schaumburg Bicycle Club
- Trails Linking Communities (Facebook Group)
- Walk Batavia (Facebook Page)
- Warrenville Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission (meetings are open to the public)
- Well Batavia
- Wheaton’s Adventure Bicycle Club
- DuPage County Trails and Bikeways
- Kane Kendall County Council of Mayors
- Suburban Bikeways for All report
- Trails Linking Communities (Facebook page) stay updated on local and regional trail and bikeway news
- West Suburban Municipal Conference
As part of our Bike Walk Every Town advocacy program, we host webinars and offer other resources on how you can organize and create change in your community. Develop the skills needed to strengthen biking and walking where you live.
llinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) provides millions of dollars each year in state and federal funding for walking, biking, and trail projects around Illinois. Here’s an extensive collection of resources for applying for ITEP funding, as we all Safe Routes to School grant programs.
We also have collected an extensive list of federal, regional, county, and private grant opportunities that can be used to fund walking and biking projects.
Please email suggestions for additional local community resources to Maggie@activetrans.org.