
Did You Know?

People walking are five times as likely to be killed by a driver traveling 30 mph as one going 20 mph.

Legislative Update

The Illinois General Assembly is currently on a two-week recess. We are glad for the rest, as it has been a busy spring for the legislative team at Active Trans. The current status of our priority bills is:

Bike Helmet Law – thanks to our efforts a provision that would have prohibited most bike sharing programs (ala Paris) was stopped

Bike Harassment Bill – the Senate passed a bill to create a new crime for those motorists who drive to close to, toward or near a bicyclist or pedestrian. The House will consider the bill after the break.

Lowering Speed Limits – Active Trans and the Illinois Municipal League teamed up to champion a bill that would allow for lower speed limits in many suburbs. The bill passed the Senate and is pending in the House.

Red Light Cameras – a compromise bill passed the Senate that would allow for continued use of red light cameras to protect active transportation users coupled with more police oversight.

Must Stop for Pedestrians – Active Trans is championing HB 43 which would require motorists to stop, rather than yield, for pedestrians in crosswalks. The bill passed the House and is pending in the Senate.

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We welcome your thoughts on our legislative agenda. Please email questions and comments to