With a strong East wind today, water is washing over the Trail at both Fullerton and the Oak Street Bend. Because the wind is almost directly out of the East (when I rode the Trail between 9 and 11 this morning) there is an almost constant spray over the Trail just south of Fullerton (see photo) but only occasional water coverage at the Oak Street Bend. The Oak Street Bend tends to get more water with a Northeast wind. Still, when water is washing over the Trail at the Oak Street Bend, it can be substantial (see photos).
The spray is strong enough at Fullerton to go over the paved and the soft surface portions of the Trail. There is actually some spray even north of the Theater on the Lake, although this is minimal.
Please be careful in these areas.
As the temperature drops today/tonight, ice will likely form over many sections of the Trail that have standing water. Please be careful as conditions change.
Thanks, Randy