
Keep up with the latest news on Active Trans and topics that we care about in the region.

Thanks to all who joined our 2020 Awards Reception

Mar 13, 2020 | by Ted Villaire

A big thank you to all the people who attended our 2020 Awards Reception. Your support enabled the event to be a great success!

And if you participated in the event’s paddle raise or silent auction, extra kudos to you.

Thanks to our friend Kye Martin of NBC Chicago, who served as the master of ceremonies as we honored John Buck, the Coalition for a Modern Metra Electric, State Rep. Theresa Mah,

Safety on CTA the right way

Mar 11, 2020 | by Julia Gerasimenko

Active Trans joined with the local CTA bus and rail operator unions and several community groups to call on Chicago to protect transit riders and operators by engaging in a community-driven process to address safety concerns on CTA following the Feb. 28 police shooting.

Partners include Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) 308; ATU241; Chicago Jobs with Justice; the Bring Chicago Home coalition including the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless and ONE Northside;

Make Illinois state roads safer and more accessible for all

Mar 10, 2020 | by Kyle Whitehead

Legislation currently moving through Springfield provides a rare opportunity to make walking and biking safety improvements to state roads in Illinois.

Tell your state legislators you support safer state roads.

State roads are often major streets that provide sole access to retail and service industry jobs, grocery stores, doctors’ offices, pharmacies, and other important destinations. For many people, sidewalks provide the only option for safely accessing these key places.

Active Trans welcomes new executive director

Mar 6, 2020 | by Ted Villaire

Active Trans is thrilled to announce that it has a new executive director, Amy Rynell.

Amy is an experienced nonprofit leader with a demonstrated commitment to social change. Working in the research and policy arm of the Chicago-based Heartland Alliance for the past 22 years, Amy has spent her career in social justice and human rights work.

During the past 8 years, she served as senior director for the research and policy division of the Heartland Alliance,


More police on transit doesn’t make everyone feel safe

Mar 4, 2020 | by Julia Gerasimenko

Last Friday a Chicago Police Officer shot a CTA customer who was being detained for moving between train cars — a minor nonviolent infraction — at the Grand Red Line station. Thankfully, the shooting victim is no longer in critical condition and the charges have been dropped.

Earlier that same day, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, along with CTA Board President Dorval Carter and interim Chicago Police Superintendent Charlie Beck, announced a new security plan for the CTA system at a press conference held at the Roosevelt Red Line station.

All-door boarding coming to select CTA bus routes

Feb 25, 2020 | by Julia Gerasimenko

If you ride the bus in Chicago, you’ve probably had this experience: You’re boarding a bus while a line of people fish Ventra cards or loose change from the depths of their bags. As a result, the embarkation process feels like it’s moving at snail’s pace.

While this may sometimes seem like an unavoidable reality of riding the bus, the truth is there is a solution.

To that end, the CTA announced it will be piloting what’s called “all-door boarding”

Streetsblog Chicago shines a light on sustainable transportation

Feb 21, 2020 | by Maya Norris

The Active Transportation Alliance isn’t the only place in town to get the latest news on walking, biking, and transit issues.

Sustainable transportation advocates in the Chicago region often turn to Streetsblog Chicago as their go-to resource for thoughtful analysis, accurate information, and daily updates on the walking, biking, and public transit scene in the city.

The online news organization’s nuanced and insightful reporting has not only helped to make sustainable transportation issues more accessible to a broader audience,

Lessons learned engaging residents and students in Aurora

Feb 14, 2020 | by Active Trans

When trying to spread the word about the need for better transportation options, local advocates often put their energy into public events.

Indeed, engaging community members person-to-person is an excellent way to build public visibility and grow more community support.

By building community support, elected officials are more likely to invest in infrastructure that is safe and comfortable for people walking and biking.

Unfortunately, however, things don’t always pan out the way you had hoped.

Chicago is falling behind on sustainable transportation

Feb 13, 2020 | by Maggie Melin Czerwinski

According to our new report, Chicago is falling behind in the number of people choosing to commute on foot, on bike, or on public transit.

This was just one of the findings of our regularly published Regional Mode Share Report, which compiles and analyzes mode share and travel data for the Chicagoland region.

Here are a few highlights from our 2020 report:

Compared to our peer cities,

Support funding for walking and biking projects in low-income communities

Feb 12, 2020 | by Kyle Whitehead

Last year, Active Trans and hundreds of supporters made our voices heard to ensure that dedicated funding for walking and biking projects would be included in the state’s capital bill.

As a result, for the first time ever, Illinois’ long-term capital plan includes dedicated funding for walking and bicycling projects.

Now we need your help to make sure the program is successful.

As the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) began moving ahead with the program,