
Did You Know?

Although people of color make up about one third of the population, they make up 46.1 percent of pedestrian deaths.

Walk 'n' Roll in Evanston

On Sunday, Sept. 1, Evanston held its first Shared Streets event, which allowed residents to enjoy a beautiful afternoon strolling along three car-free blocks on Dempster Street.

People not only strolled — they biked, skateboarded and danced to a jammin' band. Along the way, people could pick up hula hoops, practice T'ai chi or blow bubbles.

Active Trans was on hand providing participants with bike safety intormation and the Evanston Bike Club shared details about its upcoming rides.

Our goals were to get more people cycling and walking, to organize and embolden the pro-walking/cycling community, and to make the point that streets are for people, said one of the organizers, Natalie Watson. 

Go Evanston!