Take action to stop ban on pedicabs in the Loop

The Chicago Pedicab Association is calling on Chicago residents to sign a petition opposing a proposed city ordinance that would restrict access to the loop by pedicabs, or bicycle taxis.""

Signatures are needed right away as the proposed ordinance will be reviewed at a City Council committee hearing on Tuesday April 29.

Pedicabs are a solution to traffic congestion and safety issues, not a cause. Sign the Chicago Pedicab Association’s petition here.

What’s in the proposed ordinance?

If passed, pedicabs would be banned entirely on State St. and Michigan Ave. between Oak and Congress, all day every day. Pedicabs would also be restricted from entering the Loop during rush hour (7-9, 4-6) weekdays, but not holidays.

Proponents of the ordinance say it’s about easing congestion and making our streets safer, but those arguments don’t hold up under much scrutiny. Pedicabs take up less space than private cars and taxis; we should be encouraging their use, not banning them from our car-clogged streets.

As for safety, pedicabs reduce car and taxi trips, which are the leading cause of crashes in these areas. Taxicabs are involved in a disproportionate amount of crashes, and pedicabs clearly don’t have the same destructive capacity as a speeding, 3,000 pound taxi.

Add your voice to those opposing this misguided ordinance. Sign the petition by Chicago Pedicab Association here.

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