
Did You Know?

A bicycle commuter who rides four miles to work, five days a week, avoids 2,000 miles of driving and about 2,000 pounds of CO2 emissions each year.

Support better transit in the I-290 corridor on May 18

As part of an I-290 Eisenhower Expressway planning process, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is hosting a public meeting on May 18 in Forest Park.

/The I-290 stretch under consideration is in Cook County roughly west of Mannheim Road (US 12/20/45 ) to east of Cicero Avenue (IL 50 ).

Active Trans urges anyone interested in this project to come to the meeting and let IDOT know that the best way to improve this corridor is by enhancing the transit, biking and walking options.

Here are some points to consider about this project.

  • Adding another general purpose car lane, as has been suggested, will not alleviate the severe congestion—17 hours each day—on this stretch of roadway. The Hillside Strangler project (now the Mannheim Mayhem) demonstrated that widening the roadway will not reduce congestion in the area. Moreover, adding a lane to I-290 would eventually attract more cars, resulting in comparable levels of congestion, but with even more traffic.
  • The best strategy for reducing congestion, improving mobility and safety, and creating better access to jobs in the I-290 corridor is to make it easier for travelers to use transit, walking and biking for work commutes and other trips.
  • IDOT should focus on a combination of new Bus Rapid Transit service; improved service on existing rail and bus lines; better, faster bus connections to existing rail lines; and better, safer bike and pedestrian access to transit and jobs.
  • Non-car alternatives offer the added benefits of reducing air pollution and improving health through active transportation.

The date, time and location of the meeting are as follows:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Proviso Math and Science Academy
8601 Roosevelt Rd., Forest Park, IL

People may drop in at any time during the 4-hour event. Exhibits will be on display and an audiovisual presentation will be shown about every half-hour. The last presentation begins one-half hour before the meeting ending time. IDOT representatives and project consultants will be present to answer questions.

For more background on the project and to learn about taking transit to the meeting, visit the project website.