
Did You Know?

Bus riders account for more than 20 percent of people using Lake Shore Drive every day while taking up a fraction of the space that cars do.

Special Donation Match: Join Active Trans at Bike the Drive to Double Your Impact!

If you’ve been thinking about joining Active Trans, then Bike the Drive this Sunday is the place to sign up. We just received some exciting news that a local foundation will be matching membership contributions at our Active Trans tent! Give your contribution a major boost and double your impact by joining at the Bike the Drive post-ride festival on Sunday. Here’s how it’ll work:

All Premium memberships will be matched dollar-for-dollar.
Any amount above and beyond $25 will be double matched.
Any amount above and beyond $100 will be triple matched.

So turn your $25 contribution into $50
Turn $50 into $125
Turn $75 into $200
Turn $100 into $275
Turn $150 into $475
Turn $200 into $675!

We're also giving away free bike bells and the brand-new 5th edition of the Chicagoland Bike Map to new members.

And to top it off, we’ll be giving away free smoothie samples made with love in a pedal-powered blender! Thanks to generous support from Whole Foods, Treasure Island and Uptown Bikes, we have 40 lbs. of blueberries to pedal into smoothies while sharing about our work promoting healthy, human-powered transportation choices. Stop by our tent to enjoy the delicious spectacle and to give your membership a boost!