
Did You Know?

People walking are five times as likely to be killed by a driver traveling 30 mph as one going 20 mph.

Reflect yourself!

From our Board President Jane Healy:

So. You've stuck it out this far. The cold hasn't stopped you. The rain merely gave you pause. Now the snow is here and you're still riding. Way to go!

You've probably realized by now that riding in the winter means riding the dark a whole lot of the time. Have you recently noticed that your entire winter ensemble is gray/brown/green and black? Or maybe you've noticed pedestrians with a seeming death wish who seem to step in front of you a lot lately. Worse, maybe you've had a 'near miss' of the car variety.

Then you need to come on out and join us this Friday. Make it bright, make it REFLECTIVE! is a fun workshop on how you can make yourself and your bike stand out in a crowd like a lit-up reindeer on his way to work Dec. 24th.

Join us Friday evening from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Active Transportation Alliance's offices (9 W. Hubbard, on the 4th floor). We'll show you some of the cool products out there for lighting yourself up (yes, you can actually see Hokey Spokes, Monkey Lectric and BikeGlow lights in person, not to mention a butt-load of blinkies and headlights), show you how to make yourself safer on the road in an urban environment, let you play with reflectors (yes, you CAN cover your bike in OHSA reflective tape, and we can show you how!), and even share the fleecy wealth from the BikeWinter sweatshops so that you, too, can have a free Curious George balaclava or fuzzy puppy neck gaitor.

Feel free to bring your dinner or something to share. Light refreshments will be provided.
Crafty people are encouraged to bring their imaginations and their bike gear that needs enlightening.

Warning: reflective stickers WILL be applied!