Quinn Names New Chief of Staff — Bringing More Hope to Active Transportation

Gov. Patrick Quinn annointed Jerome Stermer as his Chief of Staff today.  I know Stermer as the President of Voices for Illinois Children and while it may not seem like an obvious victory for our work, Mr. Stermer has participated in Metropolis 2020's Regional Partnership meetings that have focused on transportation.  He has supported transit and understands the importance of good design.  In addition, Quinn also appointed natural resources professional and conservationist Marc Miller as director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.  Mr. Miller has been a friend to trails and bicycle facilities within the department for years. 

Gov. Quinn also demonstrates with these choices, that he is looking for good people to fill positions that will embody accountability, commitment and passion.  It may take a while for the leadership and passion to trickle down to other layers, but we are very excited at these early appointments.  Just imagine what it would be like if the governor chose a pro-bicycle, pro-pedestrian and pro-transit Chief of Staff for IDOT to go as a match with Secretary Milt Sees experience and knowledge.  That could be some team to get behind.

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