
Did You Know?

According to AAA, the monthly cost of owning and operating a sedan is approximately $700 a month.

Ongoing Lakefront Trail concerns

Construction just south of the Chicago River bridge is ongoing. The Park District has worked hard to structure this construction to avoid a Trail detour. Please be careful in this area as construction does occasionally impact the Trail. We are working with the Park District to minimize these disturbances. Please reduce speed and be cautious as you navigate this area.

There is currently a detour around and through the Museum Campus. This detour will likely be in effect through spring of 2009 due to both the Shedd Aquarium and Solidarity Drive aspects of the project. A new underpass at Solidarity Drive is being installed which will minimize conflicts at this interection.

A map of most of the Lakefront Trail is available here.

If you see maintenance concerns on the Trail (sand,glass, etc.) please e-mail us here The Park District has been quite responsive in attending to these issues when we call them to their attention.

If you would like to submit a report on Lakefront Trail conditions, please contact Randy Warren.