
Did You Know?

Roughly every three days, one person biking or walking is killed by someone driving a car in the Chicago region.

Love, music, wine and revolution at Weegee’s Lounge

I’ve heard said that there’s a poem about postal workers that lauds their tenacity to their mission. Neither wind nor rain nor sleet nor snow… 

Last night some fifty, hearty members of Active Trans proved their tenacity to our mission despite the elements.  On bike, on foot, with transit, and (sparingly?) in cars, members converged at Weegee’s Lounge, a member-owned Logan Square watering hole, to meet each other.  Another member hooked us up with a great band.  Thank you Alex  for hosting and Cobalt and the Hired Guns for playing.

Since I spend a lot of my time encouraging people to pay their dues, I found last night’s celebration a refreshing change.  Making new friends and hearing others’ stories impressed on me that paying dues is a reflection of an individual’s commitment to shared values and her choice to act on them.  Last member mixer was a celebration of that choice.  It rocked.