Forest Park gathers input for active transportation plan

Active Trans knew right away that working with the Village of Forest Park on an active transportation plan would fit perfectly with the village's mission to “Live Healthy.”

At a recent open house and bike rodeo at Forest Park's Howard Mohr’s Community Center, about thirty local residents came out to share their local insight on improving local walking and biking conditions. 

The community center is an inviting place that pays close attention to youth and seniors (it's also known for fabulous bingo and pancake events!) Through mapping exercises, interactive boards and polling questions, residents focused on the streets and intersections that connect them to the places they need to get to by foot or bike.

While one resident expressed a desire to reach Portillo’s safely, the final active transportation plan will incorporate a broad spectrum of key destinations residents described, including local schools, parks and commercial areas.

Forest Parkers demonstrated their interest in building a more active community — and showed they are particularly keen on creating education programs that make it a safer, easier and more convenient place to walk and bike.

If you're a Forest Park resident and didn't make it to the meeting, be sure to take the Forest Park Bicycle and Pedestrian Online Survey.

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