
Did You Know?

Public transit users take 30 percent more steps and spend roughly eight more minutes walking each day than drivers.

Chicagoland Car-Free Day…take the pledge!

We are excited to announce the inaugural Chicagoland Car-Free Day campaign!

Chicagoland Car-Free Day is a regional campaign encouraging people to leave their cars at home on Sept. 22 and explore getting around by biking, walking and transit.

Take the pledge at and get a $1 off a large drink coupon from Caribou Coffee.

The campaign is hosted by the Active Transportation Alliance and our regional transit agencies, RTA, Pace, Metra and CTA.

Businesses, organizations and municipalities can also get involved by hosting Chicagoland Car-Free Day events and activities which will be listed on the website.

Please take the pledge, spread the word and get your activity listed here: