Celebrate National Walk to Work Day, Fri., April 5

Walking to work. It’s good for your heart, it’s good for your lungs and it’s good for the environment. Strong scientific evidence supports the numerous health benefits of regular walking.


Think you live too far away to walk to your job? It's probably easier than you think.

To get their daily walking in, many people take transit or drive for part of the distance and walk the rest.

As program manager of DriveLessLiveMore at Active Transportation Alliance, I'll be celebrating National Walk to Work Day on April 5 by walking nearly eight miles to work in River North from where I live in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood!

Join me along the route by using the mile-markers on this map or follow along as I post Twitter updates to @DLLMcom, #brianswalk2work. I'll be starting at 7 a.m. 

To say thanks to our generous Bike Commuter Challenge 2013 sponsors (yes, it's coming!), I'll be stopping in for Caribou Coffee, grabbing Clif Bars at REI Chicago and dropping in at Village Cycle along the way.

Those who @ reply or use the hashtag on Twitter are eligible to win a drawing for 2013 MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive registration —a $45 value!

Pictured above the are walkers who joined Brian Morrissey last year for Walk to Work Day. 

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