
Did You Know?

Only 11 percent of Chicagoland residents ride transit to work.

Bike Winter winding down with cool art and fashion shows

It's been an interesting Bike Winter for Chicago area bicyclists this year (what blizzard?) and it's winding down over the next few weeks.

So don't miss out on the 14th Bike Winter Art Show opening event night this Friday at Chicago Urban Art Society.

Admission is free and open to all ages. The show culminates with a closing night gala pn Friday March 25 including the Second Bike Winter Fashion Show presented by Rapid Transit Cycleshop, live DJs, and the special talent of The Racketeers, Chicago's newest all-female BMX bike trick & dance troupe. Their debut performance at the Chicago Cycle Swap was amazing.

Highlights from this Friday's opening night event include:

-The X-ray Project
Co-curator Stuart Hall has collected a series of X-rays from bike accidents across the city. The stories behind the broken bones help flesh out the circumstances cyclists fall from grace.

-Beyond Bike Lanes: A Design Charrette
A design charrette is an exercise that lets many people provide input on a design model. Using the Chicago Bike Map and the Bike 2015 Plan as a springboard, we are inviting people to map out their ride to work, pinpoint issues that affect safety, and identify ambitious plans for the future.

Thank you, Bike Winter for another great season!